Welcome to the BUILD project
The significant increase of the older (60+) European population with complex care needs calls for a better integration and coordination between health care and social services. Existing socio-economic and gendered inequalities in Long Term Care (LTC) might worsen in the future due to demographic ageing and austerity measures in LTC provision. So far, person-centered integrated care (PC-IC), as one solution to tackle these challenges, has mostly been developed in a top-down logic, and community engagement and participatory co-design have hardly been explored to develop PC-IC solutions.
Through the development of a comprehensive framework and toolbox, BUILD will facilitate the implementation of participatory co-design methodologies and community engagement strategies as methods to develop socially inclusive and sustainable PC-IC solutions for older adults with complex care needs that can be evaluated via the Social Return on Investment (SROI).
Our objectives
Identify and analyse existing ecosystems of IC and their related regulatory frameworks, and evaluating regarding their ability to take person-centeredness, inequalities and ICT support solutions into account.
Provide cross-national evidence on the challenges and needs towards PC-IC from older patients, informal carers and formal care staff point of view considering existing social inequalities with a special focus on gender and territorial inequalities.
Design person-centred integrated care approaches to LTC in Europe through participatory co-design.
Assess the policy practices and regulatory frameworks on the ecosystem of PC-IC in Europe, identify gaps and develop innovative policy recommendations for better quality LTC and PC-IC.
Develop a co-design framework to assist the implementation of PC-IC across the EU27, enhance person-centeredness and reduce social inequalities in LTC.
Mapping Ecosystems of Integrated Care in Terms of Person-Centeredness, Inequalities and Technologies.
Cross-National Study on Social Inequalities in Care Integration.
Co-Design of PC-IC solutions.
Identification of Promising Policy and Governance Practices in LTC and Development of Policy Recommendations for PC-IC.
BUILD co-design framework and toolbox.
Overview of the BUILD methodological approach
Target Groups
Care providers, recipients & carers
Professional managerial bodies
Trade Unions & their members
NGOs & activists
Technology companies
Academics & other researchers
Local & national governments
Political representatives
Policy Makers & Regulators