Welcome to the BUILD project

Building collaborative person-centred integrated care
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BUILD seeks to involve older patients, formal and informal carers, and policy-makers in the creation of person-centred integrated care (PC-IC) solutions.

The significant increase of the older (60+) European population with complex care needs calls for a better integration and coordination between health care and social services. Existing socio-economic and gendered inequalities in Long Term Care (LTC) might worsen in the future due to demographic ageing and austerity measures in LTC provision. So far, person-centered integrated care (PC-IC), as one solution to tackle these challenges, has mostly been developed in a top-down logic, and community engagement and participatory co-design have hardly been explored to develop PC-IC solutions.

Through the development of a comprehensive framework and toolbox, BUILD will facilitate the implementation of participatory co-design methodologies and community engagement strategies as methods to develop socially inclusive and sustainable PC-IC solutions for older adults with complex care needs that can be evaluated via the Social Return on Investment (SROI).

Our objectives

Objective 1

Identify and analyse existing ecosystems of IC and their related regulatory frameworks, and evaluating regarding their ability to take person-centeredness, inequalities and ICT support solutions into account.

Objective 2

Provide cross-national evidence on the challenges and needs towards PC-IC from older patients, informal carers and formal care staff point of view considering existing social inequalities with a special focus on gender and territorial inequalities.

Objective 3

Design person-centred integrated care approaches to LTC in Europe through participatory co-design.

Objective 4

Assess the policy practices and regulatory frameworks on the ecosystem of PC-IC in Europe, identify gaps and develop innovative policy recommendations for better quality LTC and PC-IC.

Objective 5

Develop a co-design framework to assist the implementation of PC-IC across the EU27, enhance person-centeredness and reduce social inequalities in LTC.


The BUILD project will be implemented through a series of steps that look to paint a broad picture of the current status of integrated care in Europe, followed by the implementation of a co-design methodology that looks to truly involve all stakeholders in the definition of person-centred integrated care approaches.


Mapping Ecosystems of Integrated Care in Terms of Person-Centeredness, Inequalities and Technologies.


Cross-National Study on Social Inequalities in Care Integration.


Co-Design of PC-IC solutions.


Identification of Promising Policy and Governance Practices in LTC and Development of Policy Recommendations for PC-IC.


BUILD co-design framework and toolbox.

Infographics overview of the BUILD methodological approach

Overview of the BUILD methodological approach

Target Groups

Our target groups.

Care providers, recipients & carers

Professional managerial bodies

Trade Unions & their members

NGOs & activists

Technology companies

Academics & other researchers

Local & national governments

Political representatives

Policy Makers & Regulators


The project is composed by a set of 9 diverse partners that range from Research Institutions to Civil Society Organisations focused on the study and promotion of person-centred integrated care.

Contact us

For more information, you can reach us at
info@build-project.eu or fill in this form.

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