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Action Plan

The BUILD project will be implemented through a series of steps that look to paint a broad picture of the current status of integrated care in Europe, followed by the implementation of a co-design methodology that looks to truly involve all stakeholders in the definition of person-centred integrated care approaches.

  • Mapping Ecosystems of Integrated Care in Terms of Person-Centeredness, Inequalities and Technologies.
  • Cross-National Study on Social Inequalities in Care Integration.
  • Co-Design of PC-IC solutions.
  • Identification of Promising Policy and Governance Practices in LTC and Development of Policy Recommendations for PC-IC.
  • BUILD co-design framework and toolbox.

Participation, Community Engagement and Co-Design

Given the needs of developing bottom-up approaches towards integrated care, BUILD aims at developing suggestions and new and innovative policy practices and regulatory frameworks for integrated care from a person-centred perspective.

Person-centred perspective
Informal Caregivers
Formal Caregivers
Older adults in Long Term Care
Stakeholder Groups

Participatory methods and co-design in the BUILD project will be realised in three ways:

First In involving diverse groups of citizens as part of the qualitative research.
Second As co-designers in participatory workshops.
Third Through stakeholder engagement in promising policy practices identification and policy recommendation development.

The BUILD Co-design Framework and Toolbox

Our project results will be compiled in the development of a co-design framework and toolbox as the main outcomes.

The BUILD framework will help policymakers and stakeholders facilitate participatory co-design of PC-IC solutions from a bottom-up perspective, while deeply considering people’s diverse care needs.

BUILD applies a novel and innovative approach to PC-IC by focusing on stakeholders’ perspective as well as the perspective of persons who need care and those persons as well as organizations that provide care.

Framework on political recommendations and better care practices

BUILD Toolbox
  • Assists policy makers and communities;
  • Provides specific methods to implement PC-IC Ecosystems;
  • Addresses LTC needs at different EU Levels;
  • Employs a specific validation process, guided by SROI measurements and reviews by the Association Board.