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By accepting the Terms and Conditions on this website, the user already consents to the collection and computer processing of their data, authorizing their entry and retention, for the necessary time, on an appropriate basis. The data controller is BUILD.
The personal data provided by the user are intended for various actions such as those described in “Cookies Policy”. Under the terms of Law n 67/98, of October 26, users are guaranteed access to their data, and may request in writing its update, correction or deletion, by contacting to this email address:
Privacy Policy
BUILD takes the privacy of its customers and users very seriously, complying with the European legislation in force in terms of processing of personal data and privacy. BUILD adopts the best practices in order to protect user data against possible access or misuse and unauthorized use.
The data collected on this website is intended to:
You can consult our entire policy at Privacy Policy.
Cookies Policy
Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s device when visiting certain websites. On subsequent visits, the file is sent back to the website that originated it, thus allowing a user’s preferences to be identified. The use of cookies is now a common practice on most websites.
For any questions about privacy or cookies, please contact us via email:
You can consult our entire policy at Cookies Policy.